Friday, April 26, 2013

Huge. Healthy. Holy?

As some of you might know from my post on Instagram, after many years of hesitation and fear, I have finally signed up for my first sprint triathlon! I've been "training" (as in I've been running the occasional 3 miles). Mom, Allison and I also started doing "Ripped in 30" by Jillian Michaels nightly (we'll see how this goes...). All of this exercise and concern with fitness has me wondering about the ultimate aim of health. Obviously the ultimate goal is to "glorify God" (1 Corinthians 10:31) but what does that mean. Each time Christians run marathons, do they need to be raising money for some cause? Are workouts primarily for those preparing for missions trips in rural areas? Is exercise only good for sermon metaphors and illustrations?

When searching the all-knowing Christian blogsphere for answers there was little to be found. Maybe because like Jen Wilkin, most Christians believe in "banishing body talk". Sure there are numerous articles on beauty, modesty, and general oneliners about how bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit (1 Corninthians 6:19-20), but little on what exactly that means and the application interms of health/ fitness.

Whose health is most holy?
Ligon Duncan

Matt Chandler
John Calvin

CJ Mahaney

I tired including pictures of contemporary Christian women, but there is little variation on body type--what does that mean??

Christians, how does the gospel affect your views and motives of health and fitness?

Is Body Gospel what it's all about???

Saturday, April 6, 2013

TGC Pre-Conference and Conference


Caught David Platt's 2 Corinthians 4 message on missions from the TGC Pre-Conference--so encouraging! Wish I was there. Can't wait to hear the other speakers.