Elyse and I have almost completed our study of James and while we haven't been able to discuss that much, as our schedules have been busy and incompatible, I know that the study has been teaching each of us a lot. Lately, I have been really convicted by passages like James 2:22, 24, and 26.
"You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works...You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone...For as the body apart form the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead."
James is not arguing Catholic dogma & religious practice, the need for penance and/or indulgences-- faith BY works. Rather, he is making a case for faith THAT works. James knows that faith cannot be earned. He is exhorting his readers to action that is compelled by Christ's work on the cross for them.
Faith and works go hand in hand, one cannot be without the other. Evidence of salvation is works, doing things out of a love for God; not to bring about salvation, but because salvation has been granted to us. We recognize that salvation and justification are by grace alone, but a heart changed by the Gospel will be pressed to do things for God's glory.
It's hard for me to walk this fine line, believing and acting upon faith THAT works. Too easy is it for my heart to fall into either legalism or lawlessness. Legalism thinking I can do something to earn a better standing with God, telling myself i don't read enough. I don't pray enough. I don't evangelize enough. "Enough" is the worst word in the Christian faith. We can't do enough. Christ did enough and praise God that His righteousness has been imputed to us that we might stand before God justified. But, at the same time, in my wickedness and depravity I twist and rape the goodness of the Gospel and turn it into antinomianism, the idea that because I am freed from the bondage of the law & am covered with Christ's righteousness, I can do [or not do] whatever the freak I please.
People who genuinely have faith THAT works are hard to come by. "Christians" usually fall into one of the camps, either legalism or its polar opposite antinomianism. I know this side of Eternity no one will be perfect and I know that is why the Gospel is not only needed but treasured. But it still begs me to question, Where are all the godly men and women?