Tuesday, February 10, 2009

John & Molly.

Today marks the day that John Wesley literally fell for his future wife, Molly. As the story goes Wesley was off on some preaching tour but was unable to complete it when he slipped on some ice and sprained his ankle. He cancelled his preaching thing and went to spend a week at Molly's so that she could care for him. Soon after the two were married. But not happily.

This past Sunday our sophomore girl class [finally] had our first single gender prayer meeting. We've been trying to get together since last quarter, but everyone is so busy that it has been difficult. I was starting to think everyone hated God/ the only reason why we all went to normal class prayer meetings were for the boys. Just kidding!

Anyways. For girl's prayer meeting we are going to study "Biblical Femininity" by examining 1 Peter 3: 1-7. Pray for us. It will be interesting, especially considering the scrutiny that this passage has suffered in our modern cultural context. I also think that this will be one of the best things we could study at this time. We're at (or we've been at) that age where the semantics of the term "woman" are crucial. 

"Woman". Not a girl. "Woman". Not a man. Feminine maturity & feminine... femininity.

So what does this have to do with Wesley's marriage? Wesley liked Molly because he thought she was attractive not godly. He thought she dressed nicely. Molly's fault was her unwillingness to submit. 

I hope that as we study 1 Peter that we will become godly women. Godly women  who attract godly men for the right reasons, are wise & discerning, and who above all love God.

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she will be praised."



  1. whaa, didn't know that about wesley and his marriage. and taht's tightt

  2. wesley was sprung for sure. fyi edwards = overated. all about the mclaren and the campolos... I was obviously kidding. Check out the James Marsden biography i heard good things.
