Monday, March 30, 2009

Single Minded. Wholehearted.

Spring Break. So short. But so great.

I was able to see my animals. The cat missed me. The bird loves me as does the dog. And my sisters they missed me and love me too...I hope. I got to sleep in my own bed that doesn't have a plastic covered mattress. I watched movies on video on demand and read. I was able to hang out with church friends and got to go to Sojourners and hear the Romans series that I've been missing so much!

It was a good break and everything I was able to do was such a blessing. But, I think the one thing that I loved most about break was the spiritual spanking I got from God throughout the week. It was the best. Towards the end of finals week I was struggling with somethings, namely loving others, and throughout spring break God seriously revealed to me the wickedness in my own heart.

The more I listen to sermons, read books, and study Scripture I am convinced that the only thing that matters is love for God. Our love for God should be what motivates and drives all that we do as Christians. Our love for God should spill over into everything and should move us to action. Prior to break, I looked at the Christians around me and seeing a general complacent and nearly apathetic tone decided that "Everyone hates God." Clearly they don't love Him. If they did they would be delving into the Word. If everyone loved God, then Outreach would not be the most neglected ministry. If everyone loved God, then their notions of Him and relationship with Him would not be solely based on their experiences. If everyone loved God, then they would never questions if this act or that is considered ministry, but they would see their lives themselves as ministry. If everyone loved God...

Over break I was digging through the huge book bag full of books that Dad got from Shepherd's (it was a lot of books.) and I came across one titled "Love or Die--Christ's Wake-Up Call to the Church" by Alexander Strauch. "How fitting", I thought to myself, "I will read this book so that I can own everyone after break. This is what you get if you don't love God. Death." O what a prideful and arrogant fool I am! And how gracious God is to show me my hypocrisy and sin. Freak.

I started reading the book and listening to one of Eric Chab's old sermons on "What love for God is not." And thus started the rebuke. Too often I think that things I do equate to my love for God. I turn into a Catholic thinking my works can somehow save me, that just because I might be able to do decently in Bible Trivia or because I can use big theological terms that those most certainly show that I love God. Mostly though what gets me is this, "Love for God naturally overflows into love for others." Freak. Whilst I was accusing everyone of hating God...I had this giant log in my own eye. I am so judgmental and quick to speak! I'll pick out your sin and see that as your one, primary, sole character quality. And I am not afraid to tell you either. I'll fight you about it and battle others as well. I'm a bossy, scrappy, fighter and I freaking have hate-o-rade flowing through my veins.

How's that for loving God? Freak. I am the worst. Seriously.

As the week progressed the spanking continued. Friday, I went to Branching Out (yes, even though I am 2 years removed now, I still go to high school group when I can.) and Allen preached on "True love for God is..." I just sat there and laughed to myself. Freak man. His last point was this "True love for God is in others". Loving your neighbor demonstrates that you know and understand God's love. Love God. Love others. The entire week before I was pointing the finger at others when I should have stopped and looked at my own heart and my own lack of love for God. Then, that entire week of break God held up the mirror so I could see all the warts and filth that covered my prideful, wicked heart.

And it didn't end there! Sunday, Audrey and I went to Grace. Crossroads was all about "A Life of Approval", the necessity and love of God in His discipline and the importance of being teachable. Audrey had been hearing my ranting and venting about "Everyone hating God" for the past couple of weeks. When Ps. Rick got up behind the podium he starting asking "Do you know what the number one discipline all Christians to have is? The one thing you should look for when looking for a spouse? The one character quality I want to instill in my boys? Do you know what it is? It's to be teachable." Right when he said that Audrey just nudged me and started laughing and laughing. Even before the preaching started, we sang "Beneath the Cross" (which has become one of my favorites) and that song freaking owned me too. It starts with the Gospel and then moves to how we should love others and how we should live.

Both Allen and Eric noted that Christ the greatest being surveyed the greatest book, Scripture, and drew from it the most important thing. Love God and love others. (Mark 12:28- 34)

This past week was a good one. Defiantly sanctifying and humbling for sure. Freak. I just want to love God. And I want others to see Christ in me through my love for others and nothing else. Who cares how much doctrine and theology I know, who cares how worn my Bible is, how long or eloquent my prayers are if I do not love God. Freak. I just want my love for Him to be genuine, wholehearted, and humble, that my contentment would rest solely and completely in Him. So much so that were I to get to Heaven and it was perfect paradise but God was not there that it would seem like Hell to me.

Beneath the cross of Jesus
I find a place to stand,
And wonder at such mercy
That calls me as I am;
For hands that should discard me
Hold wounds which tell me, "Come."
Beneath the cross of Jesus
My unworthy soul is won.

Beneath the cross of Jesus
His family is my own--
Once strangers chasing selfish dreams,
Now one through grace alone.
How could I now dishonour
The ones that You have loved?
Beneath the cross of Jesus
See the children called by God.

Beneath the cross of Jesus--
The path before the crown--
We follow in His footsteps
Where promised hope is found.
How great the joy before us
To be His perfect bride;
Beneath the cross of Jesus
We will gladly live our lives.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Sovereignty of God/FML, Old Age, Finals, & the Greatness of the Gospel.

I am certain that this will be one of the most scatterbrained/disorganized psychotic post that will ever grace this blog. I hope this will only be a one time thing. I am so antsy right now. The lack of sleep, coffee, and general excitement/ anxiety of finals week must be catching up to me.

FML. "EFF MY LIFE." Two weeks ago this terrible little phrase wiggled its way into my vocabulary as well as the CCM sophomore girls' as well. The stresses of BBQ, brother's appreciation, ministry, and generally school piled up and all we had to say was, "EFF MY LIFE." Such a small phrase. But, what a big and terrible meaning it has and I am not talking merely about the implied curse word associated with "EFF". The weight of those words is so much more than three letters or one four letter word can describe. FML straight up questions the sovereignty of God. FML says God, You made a mistake. God, I know what is best and this is not it. God, I do not believe that You work all things for good nor do I believe that You are in control of all things. FML is straight up heresy and blasphemy against the Father. Instead of having this knee jerk reaction to say "FML" to the stresses of life, I should ask myself, "Hey, how sovereign is your God?" and I am certain that that will shut me up in no time. How sovereign is my God? All sovereign. Sovereign enough to create Creation. Sovereign enough to command the wind and the waves. Sovereign enough for Mom to get cancer. Sovereign enough for finals week to be ok. Sovereign enough for salvation. FML has no right to be in the Christian vocabulary. How dare we cheapen the blood of Christ by lessening the value of our redeemed lives. So. How sovereign is your God?

Now on old age. I am old. It is official. I am twenty. The end.

On finals. I love finals week. Or this quarter I am really excited about it save the testing part. Studying has allowed me to get to know the 1st floor of the library very well as well as the CCM freshmen who live there too. I've also become a felon. The study centers are packed with people so we kinda mosey around looking for open classrooms and lecture halls. So, I am not sure if it is a felony. We are merely entering. No breaking.

The best part about this week though is that ELYSE IS HOME! My best fraaheennndd, whom I love. I hope we get to play.

And finally the greatness of the Gospel. At Lighthouse we've been studying the 7 sayings of Christ from the cross. It has been interesting. Today though, I loved the last song we sang. I love hymns and today the congregation sang so loud. It was the best. How marvelous, how wonderful is my Saviour's love for me! That one line should automatically eliminate FML for sure. Knowing that the Gospel applies to me automatically kills any thoughts of FML. How can my life be EFFed when I have been saved from the wrath of God through the atoning work of Christ on the cross for me. FOR MEE! So crazy.

He took my sins and my sorrows
He made them His very own
He bore the burden to Calvary
And suffered and died alone

How marvelous! How wonderful
And my song shall ever be
How marvelous! How wonderful!
Is my Saviour's love for me!

When with the ransomed in glory
His face I at last shall see
Twill be my joy through the ages
To sing of His love for me!