Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 20

Yesterday's shift at the hospital was so slow. I was the only volunteer there so I had to man the front for 2 hours instead of just one. At least there was a copy of vogue and vanity fair to keep me occupied. Toward the end of my shift I had to run some paper work upstairs. So I took the elevator up and waited until I reached my destination. Riding in the elevator is not as exciting as Grey's Anatomy makes it out to be. Usually, I am the only one in the elevator and there is no juicy gossip to be shared (there are even signs in the elevators reminding everyone of patient confidentiality). I closed my eyes to let them rest a little then got ready to get off. The elevator stopped and the doors opened but to my surprise I couldn't exit. The elevator didn't open to a opened to a door. I was freaking confused...and a little scared. What if I got stuck in there an no one knew I was gone??? Then the doors closed and the elevators started to descend. It reached the first floor but then the doors didn't open! I was all freaking out. I thought for sure I was all stuck in there. I was going to die. I got smart and pushed the button and the doors opened. Then, I walked to another elevator and took that one up instead. When I got back on the floor I needed to be on I went around to see what the deal was...
 This door in front of the elevator is shut and locked.


    that used to happen to me in my old apartment. SO SCARY!!

    and hilarious. hahhaa

  2. AHHAHAHAHA, this has happened to me as well!

    elevator door fail.

  3. i didnt even know you could lock elevator doors.
    but that is sad that elevator rides arent like greys. way to ruin it for me. lol
