Tuesday, June 1, 2010

365 Days of Foto Fail.

I am really bad at keeping up with this photo blog thing. Freak. Here are some old ones. So old I don't even remember why and when I took them. Fail.
 Here's a picture of the back of a truck. I have no idea why I took this. I think it's in V-town aka self-named "Awesometown"
 This was from like...last month or something. I went to study in the Science Library in the study rooms. Someone put their boogers on the wall. I was going to die. This is a picture of the bigger darker ones.
Some people say that I have germaphobia, but I really don't think it's true. Carrying Lysol in your bag is a normal thing. All those little specks on the wall are boogers.
On Saturday, I got to hang out with most of my aunts and uncles. No cousins. I was the only child. BUT I was not the one who did this. It was my aunt.


  1. lol which aunt? hahaha all of our moms would have done this.
    and the boogers are gross. good thing you have lysol and pretty nails :]
