Thursday, December 15, 2011

Science is Cool!

Being on break has provided a few opportunities to do some things I didn't have time to do during the semester. I've been able to do a couple of science experiments! The first was from Pinterest. Cutting glass with acetone and flame.
Allison making fun of us as we prep our experiment.
Cutting glass is scary! Basically you wrap yarn around your glass bottle. Soak the yarn in Acetone (nail polish remover). Put the soaked yarn back on the bottle where you want it to cut. Light the yarn on fire. FLAMAS!!! Right before the flame goes out dunk the bottle in cold water. Eye protection--Check! Contemplated wearing lab coats...but I really wish we had flame retardant gloves! The fire was frightening and I didn't want to do it anymore, but Kim pointed out that Allison had already posted pictures on Facebook and we would look lame if we didn't post an "after" picture.
The next experiment is not for the faint of heart. I wanted to see approximately the maximum volume of my bladder. There is this one episode of Grey's Anatomy where Meredith and Karev (I think) drank a ton of water and then did an ultrasound to see who had the bigger bladder. Ever since then I wanted to see how big my bladder was. But I don't have an ultrasound machine! So I did the next best thing.
According to the National Institutes of Health the average bladder can hold 350-550mL of liquid. I drank 3,500mL of water and my output was about 700mL! Yippee! Above average.
Stay tuned for more scientific adventures! Instructables has a "Projects for Pyros: Holiday Edition" that seems interesting.
A song about science.