Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25

Back to the Beginning.

I remember the very first episode of ER that I ever watched. I couldn't have been more than 6 years old. Mom let me stay up late and watch t.v. with her one night and I remember her telling me as the opening credits were playing that everything was not real and not to be scared and all the blood and guts and everything were fake. I don't remember it being especially was one of the Christmas episodes when the ER was full of drunk santas, santas with gunshot wounds, etc. I loved it. But, since it was on so late at night I don't remember watching another episode until later (instead I watched kindergarten I wanted to be a lifeguard when I grew up...I also wanted to have 100 children...)

Last night, I was like a kid the night before he gets to go to Disneyland. Brother's Appreciation, while fun and wonderful, went pretty late so I didn't get into bed until even later and my shift was at 7. It was the worst trying to fall asleep...I was too excited! Got to the ER in the morning and got a tour and a rundown of everything I could do from one of the techs. Then, it was slow...and I ended up folding papers for the charts. Not too exciting, but honestly, I was hoping for a slow first day so that I could get the hang of things before it all got crazy.

After being on for like 2 hours it got freaking awesome! I got to help take vitals when patients rolled. One of the patients had to be intubated and the doc asked me to hold the tube while she shoved the laryngoscope down. Once, she got the tube down I got to hold it in place while she attached the bag and then...I GOT TO BAG THE PATIENT! Ah, it was awesome! Then, I got to watch the doc put in a central amazing! She found the artery completely blind! So cool. Later, we got to see an xray of the central line and intubation tube all in the right place. Amazing.

Saw a lot of AVD (?) tests too. So suspenseful. The nurses sat really still and felt for an artery in the forearm area and then when they found one they'd poke it with the syringe and if blood started going in the thing then it was good...if not they had to poke around a little more. I got to hold the patients' arms still for those...and when the little bit of red started flowing into the tubes I wanted to do a little dance....but I had to stay still too...

I ended the shift doing triage in the front (while I was up there the other girl got to see a spinal tap!).

So fun! It was as glorious as that first episode I watched way back when. I love it.

Cheater Picture. Man, I remember when George Clooney was on the show...such a long time ago!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 21

My roommate brought her snake back to the apartment. So far, I like the snake better than my roommate from last year's hamster (I hated that thing...)

Today, we fed the snake. It was amazing. The snake was so hungry and crazy. Very snakes on a plane-esque. It was glorious!!!! Steph let me dump the little mouse into the cage. I was a little hesitant...but I apologized to him and then shook him out of the brown paper bag. Within a few seconds the snake got him and he met his maker. 

These pictures are not for the faint of heart. 
The snake in action. It's so crazy how huge its mouth is!!!
The little mouse almost completely swallowed!
All of this makes me want to go to the zoo.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 46

I love long weekends!

Friday, saw "Dear John" with the sisters and the mother. None of us particularly liked the movie in the end, but it was still fun just hanging out with them. I also learned that I am the least trendy sister. We were all getting ready to head out and I had on my Einstein tshirt and jeans while the rest of my sisters had on blouses or sweaters or blazers and shoes that were not rainbows. "Flip flops are to be worn at the beach, not to lunch." At least I know I am not the vainest sister.
My sister's movie going attire was nice enough to wear to a funeral.
 Saturday, we spent in Old Town Pasadena while Al was in art class.
Sunday, early morning service and children's ministry! I like (not lick) the kids so much, even with all of their strange antics I have missed serving with kids! Then, off to have the best macrons in the South Bay.
Stole this picture from Mandy. These cute so delicious!
Today, I had early morning multimedia small group. O yes, we are that holy....I hope we never have to do that again. Then, Al and I headed out to grams' to eat lunch with her and the rest of our family. Then, we had dinner with Bach. Sushi for lunch and oden for dinner...I love long weekends!!!
Everyone in their early morning glory. 
Yes. The kid table. Complete with laminated placemats from various places. We did get our own pot of oden.  
Tofu-pouchy thing filled with mochi. 
  Started a new journal.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


"Give me one hundred men who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergyman or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon the earth"-Wesley

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 40

Since I started swimming I have developed a prophetic knee (that is sometimes wrong). I know when it is going to rain when my knee starts to hurt. I think there is some serious scientific validity to this gift of prophesy something with atmospheric pressure changes...or something. I am not crazy. Today it was all sore so I busted out my tube of Icy Hot (except the tube I have right now is a generic Target brand) So far I have brought a tube with me every year of college. It is the the smelling like a geriatric part.

Tired feet? Icy Hot. Sore neck from hovering over a textbook for too long? Icy Hot! Prophetic knee? Icy Hot!

I don't particularly like taking drugs so my supply is pretty small even though my mother always tries to force me to take all kinds of meds with me.
Tamiflu is another thing that I have brought with me every year of college too. My family is a group serious about the flu. It is no joke. Paps has been warning us about H1N1 and H5N1 for at least 10 years. When H1N1 broke out he told me to avoid large crowds at school eg. lecture halls.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 37

Biochem is my least favorite bio class! It is worse than ochem. I've been studying all day. Except a small trip to Target to get printer ink and toilet paper and a candle. The apartment has been smelling kind of weird so I moved the Febreze Noticeable out into the living room and set it to high. I have no idea what the smell far none of my other roommates have said anything (but to me their room smells a little strange to me too....haha)
This thing smells like Anthropologie. It is great.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 32

Today, I decided to wear my rainbows. It's strange saying that. Normally, I would have to decide to wear some other pair of shoes. I love my rainbows! This winter though, I neglected them. They got forgotten at home. Stolen by my sister. I had one pair here at school that were brand spanking new. Green double layer ones that I wore a few times, but the double layer thing is not a fave. Never again shall I purchase double layer sandals. Anyway, today I decided to bust out this pair and let my pigs see the sunlight. Walking on campus wasn't too bad at first. It was a little uncomfortable, but it just felt like that new sandal rub. But it wasn't just a little rub. I got crazy blisters. Since they are on the top/side of my feet any shoes I wear touch the open wounds. Lovely. I tried looking for my stash of New Skin but sadly (actually mostly relief...that stuff stings worse than salt on a paper cut) it could not be found. Regular bandaids it is.