Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sleepless in Irvine.

So much to do, so little time. Farewell to sleep. Hello coffee!!! 

I like what Piper has to say about sleep:

The human heart does not replenish itself with sleep. The body does, but not the heart. We replenish our hearts not with sleep, but with the Word of God and prayer.


  1. likeeeeee this.
    miss you trace! :(

  2. I like coffee. and that quote. and this post.
    Wahhhhhhh only a few months left in Irvine then goodbye forever! or at least until our reunion where Sharon is preggers... :( // :)

    PS i was going to post it and blogspot made me verify I was human by typing in a word: undies... only would happen in your blog dude.
